Friday, June 8, 2012

Cheating Mates: Signs Your Partner Is Having an Affair

Catching a Cheating Spouse

No matter how it happens, finding out your significant other has been unfaithful is traumatic. Knowing some signs to watch for, and acting appropriately when you find out, can help you in the long run. Remember that it's almost never a good idea to confront a spouse or partner you suspect of cheating. Instead, hire a private detective who can discretely provide you with evidence to support or squash your suspicions. Confronting a cheater while your emotions are hot can be catastrophic. While your intentions may be "just to talk" often emotions can make things more physical than you originally designed, and an altercation may result. In some cases, even an exchanging of hurtful words is enough to justify duress and cost you money in divorce proceedings, etc. It's better to be careful and distance yourself after you've noticed any of these signs.

Guys VS Girls

A lot of the signs of cheaters are universal tells that both men and women exhibit. The trick to noticing them then, is to think like the opposite sex. Obviously if you aren't cheating, and you suspect your partner is, there are a lot of things about your relationship that you aren't noticing. Both men and women will tend to change their "going out habits" If your mate doesn't have time to do something with you, but turns right around and wants to do the same activity with another friend, then that's a sign. For example, if they don't want to see a movie with you but they jump at the chance to see that same movie with a friend, then it's possible they are looking to make time with someone new.

Feelings of guilt will make both men and women "nag" more. They want a reason to dislike you or find fault so that their straying is justified. The will nitpick more than usual because of the guilt they have when choosing their new love over you. After they stop feeling guilty about the cheating though, or if they've never felt it at all, they show signs of apathy. Instead of nagging, they have simply stopped caring and pay little to no attention to you. Some men and women even observe this behavior as "autonomous" because they seem to be on "auto-pilot" around you.

Both men and women who cheat also distance themselves from mutual friends and your family. While women tend to do this out of guilt, men tend to do this because they don't want to be caught and often your friends and family will "see" things (behaviors, moods, etc) that you either can't see or don't want to see. If you are noticing your partner ducking out on house parties and family get-togethers, it's a pretty strong sign of a cheater, but you might want use some private detective services to make sure it isn't just some grudge with a friend or family member that's kept them at bay.

Hiring a Detective Service

There is no cut answer to knowing when to hire a private detective. Sometimes, it's just a feeling in your gut or even a rumor that got back to you through friends. Either way, the professional nature and discretion of private detective services will put your mind at ease if your partner has become suspicious, changed their habits, or in any other way started to make you feel uneasy.

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