Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How to React When Caught in the Act of Cheating

Wanting to be with someone other than your partner is natural, but giving in to the desire and cheating on them means that the relationship is just not important enough anymore, for love is all about choosing to be with your partner in spite of lust for others. People cheat usually when they have lost interest in their partner, or their partner has lost interest in them. In both situations, cheating on your partner is not the best way out. However, the bigger dilemma is: what to do when you're caught cheating on your partner? Don't worry, help is at bay.

If you cheated on your partner because you had lost interest in them, there is little hope for you because once you don't love your partner the way you did before, it takes a lot of work to fall back in love with the same person. This often comes with harboring expectations from your partner and wanting for them to change, collapsing the true meaning of love which is to accept and cherish your partner the way they are.

In such a case, the first thing to do would be to accept your mistake and apologize. Be honest; talk to your partner about why you did it and tell them that you don't love them the way you did before. Don't accuse your partner of having compelled you to do it, for if you really loved them you would have never done it in the first place-and such a stance never solves problems. If your partner is ready to give you another chance, putting all the guilt aside, think about whether you love this person or not. Don't give it another try just for the sake of making up, for you'll end up hurting them even more. But if you really want to give it another shot because you still find something interesting in your partner then go for it and make sure not to repeat your mistake.

If you cheated on your partner because you had lost interest in them, the most popular excuse would be your partner itself-but remember, that didn't give you a free ticket to cheat on them. The first step instead, is to be honest and be apologetic about what you did. Talk to your partner about their changed behavior or narrowed interest in you, about how that made you feel and then acknowledge that it compelled you to cheat. If your partner understands you and is ready to accept you again, then give your relationship another chance. If not, then breaking up is the best solution because it will keep you from falling into the same problem all over again.

Overall, when you are caught cheating, acknowledging your mistake, apologizing for it and talking about it are the best ways to react. Keep in mind that it's not all about you, but it is about your partner too-and more so, your relationship.

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